
    CarJam API

    We are pleased to announce the availability of the CarJam API Developer Connection program.


    We apologise for the downtime experienced between 8pm of November 21st and 9:45am of November 22nd.

    CarJam enters Hitwise Automotive Top 10

    Earlier in the year we reported our 11th place in the Hitwise Automotive Top 10 when we hadn't even really launched properly. Well after just over a 4 months of "proper" activityย  ...ย  drum rollย  ...ย  we have entered Hitwise Automotive Top 10 in 8th place alongside some of the really big names you'll probably all know well.ย  We are absolutely stoked - thanks for all your interestย everyone and thanks Hitwise !!

    We are jammin' in Computerworld

    Well we might not have made it to the big news just yet but NZ's foremost IT publication, Computerworld covered CarJam with a nice story "Motorheads flock to CarJam site as start-up takes off — Vehicle information site has two million page views in first six months" (shame about the ugly blokes in the picture).

    Most stolen cars named

    Lock up your daughters - or at least their Silvia's.ย Read an article at New Zealand Herald onย NZ's most stolen cars named

    New report price structure and "money owing" is back by popular request

    We have upgraded overnight. The main features of this release are:

    No-nonsense service

    "I was impressed by the no-nonsense service offered by carjam, at much less cost than the competitors. In fact after obtaining free information on a number of vehicles, I was happy to pay the $9 for the more detailed information on a couple of vehicles I was about to purchase." — Alex Shephard from Hamilton

    Bloody good job with the website and service

    "That you've done a bloody good job with the website and service! GOOD ON YA, Keep up the good work!" — Cheers, Alexander

    Finding car roots

    "Through your site I was able to track down a car that was purchased new in 1958 by my Grandfather, and left the family in 1991. I have contacted the current owner and successfully negotiated the purchase of the car. This is a great outcome which wouldn't have happened without your web site and service." — D.S from Tauranga

    Saving time

    "I actually love your site. I use it to get engine size data all the time for my own workshop. Customers just give me the number plate and I use Carjam to fill in our own SAM database so there's less time taken up when they arrive." — David Rouse from Auckland Auto Clinic