Vehicle queries

    Query vehicle details, ownership details, money owing and more.

    API Endpoint URL



    Test Plates

    Navigate to and scroll down the page to get test registration number plates.

    Request GET Parameters

    • plate — plate or VIN
    • key — API key
    • basic —Β  "1" to return basic vehicle information. Default: 1. To disable set it to "0".
    • owners — "1" to return ownership history information. Default: 0.
    • owner — "1" to return current owner details. Default: 0.
    • ppsr — "1" to return PPSR, money owing information. Default: 0.
    • ppsrh — it is a complementary parameter to "ppsr". When set to "1" the past plates will be searched to find money owing hidden on the past plates. Additional charges will apply.
    • rucs — "1" to return RUC history. Default: 0.
    • motfuel — "1" to return Motfuel/FuelSaver information. Default: 0.
    • translate — "1" to provide human translations for the raw encoded values. Separate tags prefixed with 'h' are created. Default: 0.
    • cache — enables lookup of basic information in CarJam cache before going to NZTA. More details below.
    • f — "XML" or "json". default is xml.
    • warnings — "1" to return compulsory recalls, write-off and other warnings.
    • fws — "1" to return fire/water/write-off warnings.

    Cache Parameter

    cache can be:

    Note, the default cache setting can be changed in Development Connection. If cache parameter is used, it overrides the default setting. Also note, cache parameter is not applicable to personalised plates.

    Error Responses

    If there is an error an xml returned will have a top-level tag 'error'. Here is an example:

        <message>Requires an API key</message>

    Success Responses

    For successful results, a top-level tag of 'message' is returned. The message will contain the following sub-tags:

    • idh — includes free and basic facts details
    • ioh — includes ownership information when requested
    • ppsr — includes PPSR search summary and how many financing statements are registered
    • ppsr_details — includes the details of each financing statement (up to 50)
    • money_owing — includes PPSR collateral matches and overall money owing match decision
    • motfuel — includes FuelSaver details
    • and sometimes more...

    Basic vehicle information request example

    Some values are coded. Follow the links to the translation tables. You can also add &translate=1 which will return an extra message's sub-tag 'hidh' containing the same information but in a more human-readable form.

    • Basic vehicle data: <endpoint>?key=<api-key>&plate=cbc193&basic=1 xml response
    • Basic vehicle, ownership and no PPSR: <endpoint>?key=<api-key>&plate=z0rr0&basic=1&owners=1 xml response
    • Basic vehicle, ownership and PPSR with translation: <endpoint>?key=<api-key>&plate=w2315&basic=1&owners=1&ppsr=1&ppsrh=1&translate=1 xml response


    • All times and dates are represented as UNIX timestamp.
    • Many values are coded. See Tags and Codes in HTML or XML for definitions.